Chapter Breakdown


Here is the chapter breakdown for the next 6-7 weeks.

Try to stick to the timeline as it makes the discussion great when we are all at the same part.

Pre-reading: 25 - 29 July

Week 1: 1-5 August: pages 5 - 37 

Week 2: 8-12 August: pages 37- 60 

Week 3: 15-19 August: pages 61 - 88

Week 4: 22-26 August: pages 89 - 119 

Week 5: 29-2 September: pages 119 - 141 

Week 6: 5-9 Septemebr: pages 141 - 161

Post-Reading: 12-16 September - pages 163 - 169

"Through her spirited and heartfelt diary entries, we join Sofia as she navigates life in the 1970’s".
